Himedia H8 - Firmware 1.0.9 - First Impressions

I started to test firmware 1.0.9 yesterday. Overall I am quite happy with it so far.


  • Quick and easy upgrade
  • A bit strange but some of the settings and files were still there (e.g. documents in the download folder)
  • The status/notification + navigation bar is back - also in the normal Google Now launcher. That is already a huge improvement.
  • The image in the previous firmware version seemed to be very pale & colorless. With the new firmware version I found out why: The default brightness level is relatively high. In the old version you did not have the notification bar, so brightness could not be changed. In the new version you can adapt it and now the colors look way better.
  • No lip sync issues so far

Room for improvement:
  • What is still problematic is the internal storage reserved for the system & apps (the default location) which is still limited to 2GB. If you install new applications the message about not enough storage still appears - although there would be enough on the general flash memory. So the "system partition" seems to be too small. And some apps (e.g. all system apps, Google drive...) cannot be moved to the SD (the "general flash memory"). Some weeks ago I got the message from Himedia that this would be solved in the new firmware, apparently it isn't.
    I had a conversation with the Himedia support and it looks like that this cannot be changed. Here is the response I got: "The design for the H8(allocating 2GB for system partrition)is already done and can not be changed. Let's say, this setting is like the DNA of H8. So we could make any more change. But for the later model(new model), we might consider allocating a bigger system partrition."
  • Minor issue: the names of apps are cut off in the normal Google Now launcher on the homescreen


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